About One Table Farm
We started developing our 'Climate Change Aware' - One Table Farm Cooking School - in 2014 when we moved with our 3 children to 100 acres in Cowaramup in the Margaret River Region of the south west of Western Australia. The farm was a blank canvas, but 5 years on, we have built a 1600m2 orchard, with over 40 fruit and nut trees, including macadamias, walnuts, pecans, stone fruits, coffee and tea, apples, pears, custard apple, pomegranates, capers...and a 1600m2 kitchen garden. We have chickens, sheep, dogs, cats and a dynamic collection of steers and pigs depending upon the time of year.
We promote carbon drawdown principles, including the use of solar power, regenerative farming, food waste reduction, recycling, composting and low food carbon miles.
Our farming philosophy is to use modern regenerative techniques, high welfare animal practices and organic principles to build our soil properties and produce the best seasonal food possible.
One Table Farm is community focused and looks for ways to include our community in what we do. We have started a Community Supported Baking Scheme this year where you can subscribe to a regular organic sourdough delivery, hand made in our ROFCO bread oven. We are also slowly expanding into small production cereal grain growing to use directly in our sourdough bread. See the 'Buy Sourdough' for details.
We are looking to expand our collaborations and partnerships too - see our 'We Trade' page for details.
Who We Are
Cree’s previous life was as a zoo and wildlife veterinarian before she moved into animal ethics and welfare, qualifying in 2014 with an additional veterinary qualification in animal welfare, ethics and law. She also followed her very strong passion for cooking, handed down to her from her European mother and trained as a chef at the prestigious Cordon Bleu Cooking School in Paris. Only able to speak a small amount of French, Cree achieved the award for top student in cuisine cooking.
Cree is passionate about improving the lives that animals’ lead and advocates for eating less meat, making informed choices about buying meat with a known history and knowing the animals have had a life worth living. She believes we can all learn to cook vegetables with amazing flavour, allowing us to reduce our reliance on meat as the main component of our diet.
Tim is enjoying the life of a farmer after many years in the corporate sector working with senior executives and emerging leaders to reach their potential. With such a significant change, Tim is loving the daily challenge of learning about regenerative and sustainable farming practices. Tim is also a secret sourdough master, from an early age having watched his mother use and feed the sourdough starter that sat on the kitchen bench in the Yukon in Canada. We still have and use her original enormous sourdough mixing bowl.
Cree and Tim are passionate teachers and the farm’s philosophy is to provide both an educative farm experience, but also a delicious one.
Here at onetablefarm, we hope to teach you about sourcing your food, how it grows and how to cook it. In many ways, it is back to basics.
We are also very interested in harnessing local and global knowledge and attracting people to our farm to build increased food cooperation.
Tim and Cree would love to work with more farmers to provide them with advice on practical changes in animal husbandry that will not only improve the animal’s lives but lead to better, tastier meat and to offer both the farmer and the buyer a lot more choice.

We want you to embrace the pace of farm life connected to...
1. Delicious food
2. The seasons and the sustainable landscape
3. Understanding the lives and needs of animals
4. Eating Less Meat – why and how you honour the vegetable

Future Direction
Provide a resource for people really seeking change in their food choices.
Expand further into the community with food knowledge more accessible for more people.
Promote collaboration and build a site for teachers, cooks and farmers to utilise as a demonstration model.
Provide options for people wanting to #eatlessmeat